Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in R
In this workshop we will introduce Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in R.
In this workshop we will introduce the principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Workshop participants will be introduced to these concepts using R.
File types for spatial data – vector data, raster data, tabular data.
Locating and obtaining examples of spatial data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Viewing data in its original format in R
Integrating different spatial files in R
Data visualization of vector, raster and tabular data
Exploring spatial patterns (including proximity analysis and cluster analysis)
Including spatial data in a basic Graphical User Interface in R.
This workshop consists of 4 x 1.5 hour sessions in PowerPoint, and 4 x 1.5 hour sessions doing computer exercises in R.
It is assumed that workshop participants have no previous exposure to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Participants with some previous exposure will find it easier to understand the more advanced material in the workshop. A basic knowledge of statistics (such as t-tests) and R are assumed.